About VThemes

VThemes has been up and running since around Feburary 2005. It is a site with the purpose to supply the mobile phone themes made by vinnieza to the public.

Vinnieza, also known as Vince Z and Kolicha, is a webdesigner/theme creator. He started out with getting a T68i when he was around the age of 13. He visted the Esato forums frequently due to this and later met "Spawn" (a theme creator) who inspired him to start making themes.

Vinnieza was approached by the admin of Mobile 9 a short while after, who said he could upload his themes there and keep track of downloads etc. Vinnieza soon become well known at mobile9. He has moved up the ranks and to this date is now a Senior Admin there.

Terms of Use

By using this site you are agreeing to vthemes.co.uk's terms of use.


You can find a sitemap of VThemes here